Our objective is to develop our younger generation to be life-long, independent learners.
Usage of ICT is an invaluable tool. It allows for instant access (in the presence of Wi-Fi or 3G) to learning resources (if they are available online). It enables learning anywhere and anytime. Students are able to learn at their own pace as well as interact with peers and experts beyond the limits of the school. Computer modeling and diagrams can help illustrate certain points. Students can, for instance, modify variables in different experiments and view the results. The teacher could facilitate by aiding in the interpretation of the results.
e.g. 1: Empty axes allow for plotting of graphs after altering variables
Worked examples on calculating rate of a reaction, initial and instantaneous rate.
Its actually a step-by-step guide, although the illustration shows otherwise.
Its actually a step-by-step guide, although the illustration shows otherwise.
Visit the website below for more details on the benefits of ICT